Review: AGI USP [DVD] I found the American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI) video coverage of the FAL to be useful. So when I switched...
Video: ATI – GSG-STG44 Field Strip WWII German MP44 7.92x33mm Kurz 2012 German GSG-STG44 .22LR Personally I’m pleased with the MP43 / MP44 / STG44...
Forever’s Not So Long (Short Film) Forever’s Not So Long is a short film released roughly three years ago. I was reminded of it when...
U.S. Gun Laws: A Free Interactive Ebook Go check out the U.S. Gun Laws online ebook. This could be ground breaking, given the constant attention from...
Izhmash / AK Article in NY Times The NY Times has done an article on AK’s coming out from the factory of Izhmash. Read it or...
Intratec – Sport-22 (Tec-22) George Kellgren designed the Tec-9 by using the Carl-Gustav M/45 “Swedish K” as major inspiration. Sweden, turning further into...
Jagoff Jimenez Junk First off, I don’t have rights to share any related photos, send ’em if you ’em. This started as...
H&K Webstore, Closed for Inventory I received an email this morning stating that the Heckler & Koch Webshop will be closed until September fourth...
VLTOR SCAR Stock Only weeks away is the official release of the the VLTOR Improved SCAR Stock; available for both the FN...
Steyr Recall on Select M9-A1, C9-A1, and S9-A1 Pistols In September of last year Steyr posted a recall notice on their 9mm A1 series of pistols. I know...
MSAR Generations & Calibers Microtech Small Arms Research (MSAR) have received requests for the non-standard previously offered E4 series calibers. I believe if...
Steyr AUG A3’s Are Almost Ready Steyr is posting photos of production updates on their Facebook page. Currently they are just waiting on the cold-hammer-forged...