Unlike the previous Nuka Break, this new installment shows the more dramatic side of the Wayside Creations fan films for the Fallout video game series. Red Star is a new installment that fits between the original fan film and the Nuka Break mini-series (which we’ve already posted here). If you were expecting season two of Nuka Break, like I was, breathe slowly – it’s coming.
UPDATE 2013-08-09: Someone pointed out I didn’t actually review this. So here goes (SPOILER ALERT): The opening concept was standard, I didn’t expect the explosion, and giving surprises is part of what wins me over with short films anymore. The acting was decent enough, usually any stiffness or over-dramatization should be blamed on the director, maybe not all of it, but that is my opinion. This film isn’t bad though, I didn’t have any point where I rolled my eyes at the delivery of lines. I think the production staff liked the old lady more than I did, but it is part of the story. A small side quest. The Super Mutant was a very ambitious addition, I don’t they failed, but it put the amateur feeling back into the movie as soon as he appears. I prefer the comedy of the original Nuka Cola shorts, just like I prefer the comedy of Fallout 2 over Fallout 3 or New Vegas. If you are a fan of the series, this is still part of the top rung of fan film productions. Is that enough Parian?