Cargo (2013, Short Film) I wouldn’t want to ruin the story by providing any plot information. This is a well done zombie short...
Zombieland The Series: s1e1 Pilot Season 1 episode 1 of Amazon Studios’ new online series aired on April 19, 2013. IMDB users have thus...
Doomsday Book (2012) This is a movie with three story lines or chapters. The chapter is of a Zombie apocalypse in Korea....
All Your Zombie Needs Las Vegas is now (for a few years) home to a store devoted specifically for the zombie coming. I...
Wyrmwood (Short Film) This is an Australian short film in a post-apocalyptic zombie future. This was done surprisingly well and is well...
CaseCruzer Range Case CaseCruzer has made the case that Pelican and Storm should have done years ago. The price range is from $245...