The environmentally friendly Swiss manufacturer B&T has announced several new offerings and this is an attempt to list them all in one place.
The Reduced Backpressure Suppressor (RBS) uses the low-pressure expansion chamber design from the MP9 suppressors and applies it to rifle calibers. Quick detach (QD) and direct mount (DM) versions are available. I’d like to know how these perform on bullpups like the AUG, FS2000, and Tavor. Reducing backpressure in silencer designs is all the rage right now.
SD-122812 – 5.56 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor QD
SD-122822 – 5.56 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor DM
SD-122823 – 5.56 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor DM for 5.56 Minimi
SD-122825 – 7.62 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor DM for 7.62 Minimi
SD-122834 – 7.62 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor DM
SD-122835 – 7.62 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor QD
SD-122837 – 7.62 Reduced Backpressure Suppressor QD for FN SCAR

The Starlite is a direct thread suppressor with the ability to change threads (which are the same as the ones found on their Tiger and Monoblock suppressors). It is a lightweight and fairly small design meant for hunters. The 6.2mm is for caliber diameters up to .243, 7.62mm up to .308, and the 9.3mm up to .366.
SD-988408-1 – 6.2mm StarLite
SD-988408-2 – 7.62mm StarLite
SD-988408-3 – 9.3mm StarLite

The APC type telescoping stock will now be available for H&K MP5’s. While I do prefer this stock over the older MP5 one, it is the one item of B&T’s I feel is the most over-priced. There is more info a specs on the stock at Military Times.
BT-200590 – PDW Stock for MP5

Adding to their USW lineup a new chassis is being made for CZ P-10 striker fired handguns. Prior entries include the complete Sphinx-esque firearms USW-A1 and USW-A1 Compact. Also for the SIG-Sauer P320 USW-320 and a more limited M17 version with the selector cut. Next for the Glock chassis for G17 similar frames as the USW-G17, and for G20 similar frames USW-G20. Not imported to the USA is a chassis for the Walther PPQ.
I’d like to see a version made for the H&K VP9 but even more I’d like a SIG-Sauer P320 frame offered that takes the USW-320 dimensions and translates that to a standard handgun frame. It is the most comfortable frame I’ve used and many people with smaller hands would be thankful.
BT-430258 – USW Chasis for CZ P10 Series

The newly announced SPC9 seems to be B&T’s answer to the AR15 craze in 9mm but imagining it based on the trigger group of the APC/GHM series. Or that’s what it seems like. It is AR-like but appears to be mostly its own beast.
The standard model has AR15 type stocks. The PDW version has a PDW stock similar to what you’d see on telescoping stock AR’s like the Noveske, Q, and Troy offerings. Which means unlike the SIG-Sauer MPX it is going have a small receiver extension with buffer and spring. The SD model takes after the HK MP5-SD just as the APC9-SD and GHM9-SD before it.
Personally I don’t care for models that take the Glock or other manufacturer’s mags. Even with the AR15 in 9mm I prefer the straight stick Colt SMG mag as it has been more reliable for me and the angle of the Glock insertion bothers me in use. However, I understand the appeal and I know many out there have been working great for people or they wouldn’t continue to be popular! It’s my personal preference from experience and at this point I have enough Steyr and B&T mags that I’d rather have everything else converted to take the MP9 mags than the other way around.
The SPC9 is not listed on their site yet but there is a brochure (PDF in German).
BT-500001 – SPC9 Semi-Auto 9mm Carbine
BT-500001-G – SPC9 Semi-Auto 9mm Carbine w/Glock Mag Lower
BT-500001-S – SPC9 Semi-Auto 9mm Carbine w/SIG-Sauer P320 Mag Lower
BT-500001-PDW – SPC9 Semi-Auto Personal Defense Weapon
BT-500001-PDW-G – SPC9 Semi-Auto Personal Defense Weapon w/Glock Mag Lower
BT-500001-PDW-S – SPC9 Semi-Auto Personal Defense Weapon w/SIG-Sauer P320 Mag Lower
BT-500001-SD – SPC9 Semi-Auto Suppressed Carbine
BT-500001-SD-G – SPC9 Semi-Auto Suppressed Carbine w/Glock Mag Lower
BT-500001-SD-S – SPC9 Semi-Auto Suppressed Carbine w/SIG-Sauer P320 Mag Lower

A limited run of the APC9K Pro has been announced as a celebration of the US Army adopting it as the Sub Compact Weapon (SCW). It is incredibly expensive and just as limited. While 350 are being made (the Army’s initial order was also 350), only 333 units are being made available (I assume the rest are staying with employees) at a price of around $6,600 (some FFL’s selling it for more). It comes with a telescopic brace, SCW markings, an Aimpoint, commemorative B&T branded Microtech knife, pure silver challenge coin, custom fitted Pelican case, and I’m sure a few more extras.

Anyone really interested in this can pre-order one through a few B&T resellers – I’ve used Tar Heel State Firearms for most of my B&T needs as they include the shipping and will get the NFA engraving done quickly before sending the firearms out. We have no affiliation with THSF beyond being buying from them.
No updates on the veterinary pistol availability or if the TP380 has been re-submitted to the ATF for approval after being denied a few years ago.