This is a Swedish zombie short film series. Or i think it is, I didn’t look for more than Episode 1: Has Already Occurred. Yeah, that’s the actual title. I’m fairly certain it isn’t based on the book about dinosaurs.
The music is in such contrast with what is happening, it is intensely distracting. Let me emphasize: There are spoken lines I cannot decipher because the music is too loud.
Hi, one of the creators of the show here. Thanks for the review. Sorry you didn’t enjoy it. The music was mixed too loud on the first episode, and to a lesser extent on the second one as well. The actual music stay in the same vein though so if you found that distracting too the following episodes will probably be equally bad for you. 😉 There are five episodes released, each about ten minutes long.
The title is referring to the show’s name. As in “The Great Dying (a mass extinction event), has already occurred”.