This science fiction film is based on an unpublished graphic novel by writer, director, and producer Joseph Kosinski. Kosinski is a reputable CGI artist. His prior work with TRON: Legacy can be seen with the style of the main character’s quarters, clothing, and transportation.
There is a clear good guys in white, bad guys in black theme, though you are an hour in before you see the bad guys. You know, before you even see the face of one of the bad guys that all is not right in the whites of heaven. The question will be, can either side be trusted?
The survivalist (bad guys) head gear reminds me of a microscope with a cluster of magnifying lenses.
I feel like I have seen a lot of closeups of Tom Cruise riding a motorcycle in various movies. How many minutes would it be combined into one short video? Seeing the lead character with his spouse often made me think of Trent Reznor and Mariqueen Maandig.
I found one of the death’s in the movie too convenient, but as the plot unraveled, it bothered me not at all. I’m inclined to protect any readers planning on seeing this movie. Don’t spoil it by visiting IMDB or Wiki. The best advice I can give is lower your expectations.
My final thought on this movie is that it doesn’t belong in an apocalypse or post-apocalypse movie genre list near as much as just futuristic sci-fi.
Update 2013 MAY 07: I was convinced to watch this again with a friend that wanted to go. I must have been half-asleep the first time. This time I tried to sleep though it, once you know the plot, it is quite dull to watch.