Resident Evil – Retribution (2012)

Through the entire film I was frustrated the KRISS Vector SDP pistols had absolutely zero sight systems on them. Just a Picatinny rail to mock marksmen for paying to watch the film in 3D.

I saw this in the theater. I knew, before making the decision, it wouldn’t make any plot sense. Sure, if you are fifteen – you may connect dots and extrapolate meaning. Literature professors and faux-intellectuals have been doing the same thing with Finnegans Wake* for over half a century.

Obviously a point-shooting champion.

Unlike the James Joyce “classic”, Resident Evil 2012 (may I just call it that?) deserves to be remembered. I want to be clear here, I watched this stupid movie, with itsĀ  condescendingly confabulated plot, and it was bearable because Milla Jovovich was that much joy to watch. If you don’t like to stare at Milla for two hours, never ever watch this movie.

I don’t even want to call it Post-Apocalyptic, In fact I don’t even want to waste more words on it. I’m done. Sincerely, don’t watch this movie. the lack of links to any information about it is not accidental.

* “…its abandonment of the conventions of plot and character construction.” Wiki on Finnegans Wake

One comment to “Resident Evil – Retribution (2012)”
  1. To Hollywood:

    Please stop making these “Resident Evil” movies the first two were pretty good but after that it has been nothing but hours and hours of monkey crap.

    Thank you.

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