I’ve been avoiding the first episode of Combat Pawn, first because of the name, and secondly because I had the misfortune to catch the trailer. I knew it was going to be terrible.
Well, I’ve now watched it, and when it got to the scene with the girl selling the Spanish shotgun I turned it off. I’ve worked the gun-shop counter for years and have never had a cursing match with a customer. I don’t need to finish it in order to write a review, because The Truth About Guns already covered it in July. The write-up walks you through the scenes and it is spot on when the post states, “Its actively hurting our image as responsible gun owners.”
Update 2012 August 06: I wound up watching the rest of it. Then the next two episodes as well. Two minutes in, on episode three, the gun store salesman says that since the Assault Weapons Ban went into place they couldn’t manufacture machine guns anymore. What? There are several things wrong with that statement, namely which law and when. The “customer” is looking to sell an H&K G36C (image shown) which would be made in Germany. America banned full-auto foreign importation in 1968 (GCA). In 1986 (FOPA), under Regan’s presidency, machine gun manufacturing and registration was banned for civilian sales. So all civilian legal machine guns had to be registered before May 19, 1986. All German made machine guns had to be registered two decades earlier. The Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was in 1994, and it didn’t ban assault rifles (intermediate cartridge, select-fire rifles, eg machine-guns) it just banned semi-automatic guns that are cosmetically similar.
That isn’t to say you couldn’t have a transferable pre-1986 machine gun from another country, it would just have to be registered and converted (in that order) pre-1986. The H&K G36 design started in 1990 and the firearm wasn’t put into production until 1996. So, even in Combat Pawn fantasy land, the gun couldn’t have existed pre-AWB and would be again, illegal. There are legal G36 semi-auto rifles, converted from an H&K SL8. Converted to a G36C, in semi-auto, The SL8 would still have to be registered to legally have a short barrel. There are also legal G36 series weapons in full-auto but they would be post-1986 dealer samples. This means a manufacturer or dealer, with the proper hoop-jumping, could have them as samples for various testing and other legal activities. At no time could they be average-joe civilian-legal no matter which weapon law we are referring to.
I’ve written far more words than the show deserves. I imagine this was all setup for our irritainment but…that MAKES IT EVEN WORSE. If you are going to set something up, do it for educational reasons. Quit it with the misinformation.